With all the talks of Vista going around, its human that we all want the looks and feel of it running on our xp machines.There are some solutions like Style XP and Windows Blind but they all don’t change everything completely.
You need a better hardware configuration, specifically better ram of around 512 will be good.You can still try but it might slow down your system.
It will take 200MB of space for complete installation and 2-5 minutes.
It has a preview thumbnail feature and sidebar is heavy…so if it takes a little time to install be patient.
Download link
One of the magazines i was going through caught my eyes.They have tested it and this is what they say “Windows Vista Transformation pack does all that and without any system crash”
I wanted to try on my system but then It will slow my system.So i just wen to the orginal site and saw those pic.Amazing.So take a look at them below and think
Vista Transformation Pack Affect
Above Figure: Desktop
Above Figure:Logon Screen
So what do you think? Awsome right!! Ok here are some quicktips and then you can follow the link ot the original site itself.
Tips for Installing Vista Transformation Pack
Download link
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